May 22, 2017

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a form of abuse that is used by an individual to exert power and control over another individual in any type of relationship. It can occur through physical violence, sexual violence, emotional abuse, mental abuse and financial abuse. It can affect anyone of any gender, age, race, or sexual orientation and can be present in any type of intimate relationship.   At Wolf Pack Consulting we provide services for anyone who needs help healing from the effects of domestic violence.


Our services include:

  • Individual mental health counseling for children and adolescents who have witnessed or experienced domestic violence
  • Individual mental health counseling for adult survivors
  • In-home counseling for children, adults, and/or families who have survived domestic violence
  • Crisis counseling appointments
  • Group counseling for female and male survivors
  • Individual client education about domestic violence and the dynamics of power and control, safety planning, and warning signs
  • Referrals to agencies that provide emergency shelter, legal assistance and public assistance

Current Group Information: