October 30, 2018

Naturopathy & Medication Management

To contact our Wolf Medicine Department for appointments, inquiries, refills, etc., please  call or text: 503.714.6266

Our fax number is 503.828.3401

Dr. Jen Lamar
Telehealth Link for appointments with Dr. Jen

At Wolf Pack, mental health medical management is provided by a licensed Naturopathic Doctor. Clients can receive traditional medication management and/or explore other alternative options. Treatment plans can be tailored uniquely to each patient’s needs.

Naturopathic medicine is a form of medicine that uses both natural and conventional therapies to treat and prevent disease. Naturopathic medical doctors attend accredited naturopathic medical schools, they sit for licensing board examinations, and they are licensed as primary care physicians. In addition to the standard medical educational requirements of a medical doctor, naturopathic physicians are also trained in additional areas including botanical medicine, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, physical medicine, nutrition and lifestyle, mind-body medicine, environmental medicine, minor surgery, counseling and psychology, IV therapy, emergency medicine, and many others.

Naturopathic medicine aims to honor the body’s innate wisdom to heal and is defined by the following principles:

  • First Do No Harm – A core tenant of all medical practice.
  • The Healing Power of Nature – Naturopathic doctors recognize the body’s innate wisdom to heal, utilize products of the natural world to assist healing, and recognize a healthy natural environment is foundational to human health.
  • Identify and Treat the Causes – NDs aim to identify and treat the underlying causes of illness rather than solely treating symptoms.
  • Doctor as Teacher – Naturopathic doctors aim to improve health literacy and educate patients on how to achieve health.
  • Treat the Whole Person – NDs understand the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit and approach treatment with the whole person in mind.
  • Prevention – Naturopathic medicine aims to prevent illness from occurring whenever possible.

The naturopathic therapeutic order also sets naturopathic doctors apart from their colleagues. Naturopathic doctors are trained in healing modalities at every level of the therapeutic order, whether that be helping to establish a simple bedtime routine to assist with sleep or prescribing medications or performing minor surgery. NDs aim to use the least “force” necessary to set forth the healing process. They meet patients where they are in their health journey and work up and down the therapeutic order as deemed necessary for each unique individual.

If you are seeking more information regarding traditional or alternative medication management, are needing to schedule, or are a pharmacy trying to reach our prescriber, please contact our Wolf Medicine team at WolfMedicine@wolfpackcts.org.